Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Through God's Eyes

Oh how I wish I could somehow allow my girls to see in them what I see. I sit and listen to their frustrations at not being good with math or reading, being bigger than other kids their age, being slower at running or faster at developing. Whatever their concern, I am always thankful they bring it to me and I know how rare that truly is for their age. Yet I sometimes wonder if they will ever look in the mirror or think of themselves in the same light that I see them. My girls are beautiful. They are each unique in the way God created them and truly they are just pretty girls.

More importantly than being "pretty" is the fact that these two girls have truly amazing hearts for God. I see that in them in the little things they choose to do or the things they choose not to do. Now, I am not saying my kids are perfect nor am I saying they never make bad choices. What I am saying is that what I see in them gives me peace as to what kind of women they will one day become.

I see Doodle striving for excellence in all she does not to bring her self praise but to bring God glory. She has a heart for Christ that is unlike most children her age. I hear often that people think she is older than she is due to her "old soul". She sees beauty in things that are unlovable and is bold in letting others know when they are not walking in the light. When Doodle dances for God, truly it is moving as you know you are watching a very intimate moment between a girl and her God. She knows what it means to be reverent and she displays it in her dance.
Doodle in her ballet recital costume from last year.
Bean has a heart to serve. She sees others in need and thinks of how she can help and does it! Follow through is a huge gift for this girl in the area of service. Bean has a gift of seeing what others do not. She is very observant and is able to find the lonely kid or the beggar on the street when no one else sees. Now there are times this gift is not helpful, like when she was able to view things at the track that I would not want her to see, but usually it is a gift. What I love about that is that she doesn't just see it but she wants to do something. She is prodded to action. How many of us just drive or walk by and think nothing of that person again? Not my girl.
Bean helping watch a friends little girl.

When I sit and think about how can I help them to see what I see in them, it makes me weep. For I know as I do this from time to time, my precious God does it everyday when he looks at each of us. What will it take for me to see myself the way God does? For we all are his best part of creation. Genesis shows us that after he created everything else is says, "It is good." But after he created man it says "it was very good". We are very good to him. We are his very good creation. Which makes me think, do I thank him for creating me the way he did? Would I stand in front of a masterpiece of someone on earth and tell them what I don't like about it? Would I complain about the choice of color or texture of the piece? I doubt it. If that is true, why then do I do that to my heavenly Father? When I choose to stand before a mirror and think the thoughts of disgust or believe the lies in my head, I am telling God his creation is faulty. Who am I to do that to a Holy God?! So, as I sift through my daughter's thoughts I am always amazed how God uses them to stretch me. Thank you, Abba Father, for loving me enough to listen to my heart and know that I adore you and your creation. (I just sometimes don't fully understand the need for cellulite. :) I am grateful you don't give up on me and I will continue to listen to your words in how I should instruct the girls about these things.

Three of God's creations learning to love all of His creation.

1 comment:

Lainie said...

Your girls are beautiful and such a blessing to our lives!

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