Monday, June 29, 2009

Scrapbook Buddy

Doodle scrapbooking about her great-grandmas

Our girls are both involved in 4-H this year, thanks to the advice and information from many of our friends. With this new venture comes many projects that we are finishing quite quickly. Some of them are more fun for me than others. Doodle signed up for scrapbooking this year as well as photography. Those are two things I do enjoy.

So last Friday, she and I went to a scrapbooking crop. We plugged away and completed her entire book for 4-H. Yeah! Good team work. I think it was very fun to watch her think through how she wanted things. I love scrapbooking and it is an creative outlet for me. I find it almost therapeutic. I have great friends who sit and work away with me while we talk the time away. Other times we have a silence that only a mom can fully appreciate. Regardless, it meets a need. I have to say that I was not looking forward in sharing this outlet with my kids quite yet. However, I found our day quite enjoyable. Doodle did mention to me that she enjoyed hanging out with my friends on Friday but she is not too sure about the scrapbooking! Made me laugh. I think I am safe with my outlet for a little bit longer.
Mother and Daughter working on 4-H book.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

The scrapbook looks awesome - way to go guys! :-)

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