Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bible Bowl Road Trip!

Bean, Nay and Doodle enjoying a shake break.

The girls and I have had a couple weekends where we needed to travel with their Bible Bowl team at church and Daddy was not able to go with us due to work. So, while that is always a bit of an adventure as I am directionally challenged, we still managed to have a wonderful time. The first trip was to Louisville, Kentucky which I wrote about earlier. This second trip was to Cincinnati, Ohio. I am more familiar with this area than the other. Regardless, I decided to invite two of my nieces to go with us on a girls road trip weekend. One of them, "Nay" decided to go along with us. I knew she might get a bit bored but she could take a book to read during the games and enjoy the times the girls were free. Little did I know that she would end up having a fun weekend getaway. She ended up timing for all the games and running the buzzer board for others. After the games the first night, we hit the hay after we had a short devotions together as a team. Bean and Nay ready for lights out...
can't you tell they are sleepy?

The girls had a great weekend. I was impressed with how well the younger girls team worked together as a team and acted so politely to other teams. Not always the case. Matt was flying in to try to catch a game on that Saturday but it didn't pan out. The girls team was eliminated before the last round. So we all headed to the airport. The girls were hungry so they grabbed an apple in the car. Once I got home, I found these silly pictures on my camera. I would say, this was a successful weekend road trip after all.

Doodle pretending she is...well, a horse of course! :0)

Nay appearing to be frightened.

Bean acting way too cool to have an entire apple in her mouth!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Looks like you had an awesome weekend - goodluck at nationals!

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