Monday, February 16, 2009

Flu Bug Bites!

Poor Doodle woke up this morning with the flu! I hate that for her. Today was Father's Breakfast at our co-op and that is such a special day. We all bring in food and spoil the daddy's but the fun part is the kids get to show them what they have been working on this year. She was going to be playing background music on the piano during breakfast as well. So, now we stay put and decide if Emma and Daddy still go or we just all stay clear. I'll keep everyone posted.

Update: Well, Doodle is doing better, but just wants to be able to go to co-op. Bean woke up with a cough and runny nose so we are all home. Both girls are lounging by a t.v. right now. When you are sick with the flu, nothing beats movie day. We just do what we can and know we will catch up with other stuff later. So, I am doing laundry, cleaning the house for germs and of course, playing on the computer. Sometimes I think God gives us these days so we take time to be still. We just don't have a choice today. So we will hang out together, watch some movies, read some books, cuddle and clean. Those are truly my favorite days, minus the puke of course!


Nicole said...

Oh no! I am SOOOOOO sorry to hear she is sick! I hope she didn't pick up anything from our home? Though it has been nearly two weeks since Owen got sick - and no one else in our house has had it! Hang in there - and I will pray for the rest of you too!

Lainie said...

Tell her we're all hoping she feels better soon! That just stinks to be sick on a special day. We've had such colds around here, I'm looking into industrial uses for snot.

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