Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fast Moving Gases

As I have stated before, we LOVE doing science experiments at our house. It is just too fun. So when Bean brought home a sheet of projects to choose from for her science class at co-op, we were so excited! She choose the experiment she wanted to tackle which was finding out if gases move faster when they are warm or cool. Once she decided, we got busy gathering our supplies needed: pop bottles and balloons!

The bottles all ready to observe.

After getting the bottles ready, we just sat by and observed what was happening. Bean did an excellent job of taking notes and drawing pictures of what was happening. We used three different kinds of pop, each having a cool and warm test bottle. We were surprised to find out that the Sprite had the quickest reaction!

The Sprite bottles showing that the "warm" bottle has quicker moving gas.

After a bit of time, all three of the warmer bottles gave us the needed information to finish the project. We were able to determine two things: 1.) gases move quicker when warm 2.) if you want to keep your pop from going flat, put it in the refrigerator.

Bean displaying her experiment results....happy face balloons (her choice)

No happy face balloons....too funny!

We then made a poster, which shockingly, I forgot to take a picture of! It was sooo cute and I am hoping we can use it for a 4H project this year! Thinking ahead! Anyway, watching Bean walk in to co-op on Monday with her poster and bottles to display was a precious moment. She could not wait to get in there and show her precious teacher her project. I am thankful that I do get to enjoy not only the excitement of learning new topics or doing new projects but also the joy of sharing what they have learned with others. Have I mentioned lately that I LOVE my job?!

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