Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Let Me Count the Ways...

Today is such special day in our house....Matt's birthday! We love birthdays around here. We try to make breakfast in bed for the birthday recipient and they get to decide the dinner menu as well. We also have some sweet new traditions, which one is blogging about the special birthday guy or gal. While I usually list things I adore about the birthday child according to their age, I think we will bypass that tradition for the adults in our life and just write our top ten favorites. So today, I get to write about my man. Oh boy,how will I ever decide all the ways I love this man or things I love about him?! Let me count the ways.....

1. I adore how this man thinks! He is able to see things in the midst of chaos and it just calms me down.

2. I love his heart for our girls both the ones in our home and the ones far from home.

Daddy and Bean walking hand in hand..so sweet!

3. I adore how he serves his family.

4. Matt can make a tree laugh! His sense of humor is one of the first things that attracted me to him.

During one of his "projects" he still makes me giggle!

5. I love his servant's heart for not only his family but anyone who needs help. He will drop what he is doing and help out in a heartbeat without thinking.

6. I personally love how he provides for his family and how hard he works to make sure we are able to have all the special memories we have had together.

7. I love to travel with this man...he is just fun and he gets me to try things I never would do on my own.

8. Watching him hold his baby girls the first time melted my heart in a way that you can't explain, however, seeing how protective he has grown of them over the years, is just as sweet to me.

Daddy and Doodle looking way too cute!

9. I love how generous he is with all of his time, talents and treasures. He truly would give you the shirt off his back.

10. Most of all, I love this man's passion for Christ and his deep desire to continue to grow into the man God desires him to become. He strives for that every day and while he may not see it, I am fully aware that he has grown abundantly in the 18+ years we have been together. What a joy to watch God stretch and grow this man.

I am thankful for all Matt does for us everyday, but today, on his birthday, I am thankful God blessed me with the joy of walking through life with this precious man. I can't even grasp where God may take him next, but I am so happy to know that I will be right by his side all the way.

Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!

1 comment:

christina grandstaff said...

This is all very sweet - and I feel your heart. I, too, am blessed with a wonderful husband. However, when I read #9 - I immediately wanted to say "hey - I love that green t-shirt..." Enjoy your special day with your special gift!

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