Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Best Christmas Gift

Each Christmas morning since we have been parents, we have started our morning the same way. We bake a cake for Jesus' birthday. Next we read the Christmas story from Luke 2 while the girls add Jesus to the Nativity. We then do my favorite part of our Christmas day...we sit around the tree and think about what we want to give Jesus this year and write them down on a small piece of paper. He gave His life for us, so surely we can think of some things we can do or give up for Him each year.

These have been so amazing to see what God places on our hearts and how some of them change and others are pretty constant. I then put the pieces of paper in a little decorated ornament box and the girls hang it on the tree. We pray together and then we open gifts. The girls get three packages, just like Jesus. This time is precious to me and I guess it is such a blessing to know that when we chose to not partake in the Santa world, we still have some fun traditions we do as a family on that morning. I think we feared it would be weird..which if I were totally honest, I would have to say it was a bit weird at first but not now. This is my favorite time of the day and it is also my girls.

All of this talk about slowing down to truly celebrate Jesus this Christmas has me thinking...what do I need to give to Jesus this year? I really want to honor what I give to him. Sometimes we give our time. Sometimes it is something we need to let go such as our anger, selfishness, etc. This year I want to make sure it is what He wants me to give up even if it is not on my radar right now. I want to give Jesus the best gift ever....all of me. I wonder what I will have to lay down in order to do that.


Kari said...

I love this. Every year at the beginning of each year we do a Write the Vision as a family which is similar to what you do - along with goals that we are stepping out in faith to accomplish.
As for Santa, my 4.5 year old knows he isn't real, but a character. I've taught her about St. Nickolas and how the character of Santa came about. This way she still is involved with all the santa stuff the school and her friends do, but she knows he's fake and that Christmas is our celebration and giving honor to Jesus.
What wonderful traditions you have. I love it.

jamers said...

Kari, great way of integrating both. I salute you on that. We so struggled on how to and once we decided not to do it things just fell into place. We do read the stories of St. Nickolas and talk about St. Nick's day...Dec. 2? Our girls from Romania have taught us their tradition of putting their shoes outside the door and then St. Nick fills them with candy and goodies. WE do that some years in honor of them. :) It is just so cool to see how different families celebrate. :)

Nicole said...

Love your traditions - and the one of writing down what you'll give Jesus this coming year... We do a few similar things - three gifts for each child - baking Jesus a cake - singing happy birthday to him - and no santa either... Yes, I do love to learn what other families do to celebrate!

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