Thursday, December 17, 2009

God's Gifts

Well, if you recall, I wrote about my concern over financial issues we were facing lately and the fact that the list of things we needed to check on or get fixed felt like it was just growing. I made the list, prayed over it and let it go. I think now is the time to update on the amazing gifts God has given us since that post which you can read if you click here.

First, it was the washing machine which I wrote about last week and you can read about here.
Now, it is the garage door. My home is a lovely brick ranch. Nothing showy. That is not who we are. We just want what we need in a home. Anyway, while I like my house, the one thing that seems to have been an issue with my pride has been this crazy garage door. We moved into this house almost 10 years ago and it needed a new door then. We have not replaced it yet and we have certainly watched it deteriorate. It is nasty. I get so embarrassed when people drive up to our house and that is the first thing they see! Crazy! I think God had to show me to put that aside and know that is not what matters in His eyes. So, regardless that it has taken me 10 years to finally just let it, God met that need in our life. Or the want in mine. :)

The patient of Matt's that fixed our back door this summer has been out to measure the door a couple times and we hoped he would order it for us. Matt trades services with him. He builds beautiful homes. Anyway, today at lunch, the doorbell rings. I answer it and it is this gentleman wanting to measure the door and know what color we wanted. We get the door..get this....TOMORROW!!! Only God can make that happen, friends! I stand in awe of a mighty God who meets all of our needs as well as some of our desires when we choose to fall at His feet in humility. I am so excited I can't process all of my feelings but I do know that this will be the most precious Christmas we have had in some time....can't wait to see what else God crosses off that list! What a mighty God!


christina grandstaff said...

I love that God is in the details and He delights in giving us great gifts! What color did you choose?

Nicole said...

Yippee! I am loving hearing about how God is doing such awesome things in your life and family!

Kari said...

Congrats on the new door. Those things make a huge difference in the appearance of a home. Until we got ours replaced, it made it look like our house was slanted. It was embarrassing and I didn't like seeing it every time I drove home. How cool for you! You should post of a photo of your beautiful new door!

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