Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Are We There Yet?

Have you ever had a moment where you suddenly realize that your life is no longer what it once was and your not sure when that change occurred? While that is the longest sentence ever, the thought behind it is quite simple. ;) As the girls have grown up, I have so enjoyed each stage. Granted, there are times that have been busier or more difficult, but truly there are blessings in each stage. With each passing of stages, whether when we had no more diaper bags, no more crib, no more blankie, no more whatever, it tends to sneak up on me.

While on our trip this year, I was walking through Animal Kingdom with our girls. Matt had a meeting so he joined us after he was finished that afternoon. While walking, I noticed that we have hit a new stage. It was a bittersweet moment. What lead me to this realization? Well, you know me....here's the picture of that moment:
Doodle and Bean walking through Animal Kingdom

You see, this was Bean's 5th time to Disney and Doodle's 4th. (Bean went with us while Doodle went with my parents to Virginia once) Each time before, they were young enough to be walking right by me either holding my hand or at least within arms reach. At 12 and 9, they are now at the stage they walk in front of me with confidence. They rode some of the rides without us. They were so cute walking through the parks talking along the way. I just walked behind them and wiped away a tear of joy for this new stage and maybe a tear for realizing the stage we just left will not return. I am so excited to see what this new stage we are entering has in store for us and truly am blessed that I have two precious girls that still like to hang out with Mom and Dad. Enjoy each stage for what it is and know that the next one will bring it's new blessings and trials. That is the joy of parenting. So here is a little walk down memory lane....Disney style! :)

1st Visit~ 2003

2nd Visit~ 2006

Bean's big trip~ summer 2008
One more time~ Fall 2008


Diana Geore said...

The joys of motherhood continue until grandmotherhood--or so I'm told!

Diana George said...

The joys of motherhood continue into grandmotherhood---or so I'm told!

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