Friday, July 17, 2009

Happy Birthday, Beanie!

Today we celebrate my youngest daughter's 9th birthday. I am in shock at how fast time has gone by over those 9 years! In honor of her day, I am going to take a nugget from my friend Lainie and write our own Top 9 list about Bean. Along with that, I have posted a few pictures I think are just too sweet. I think that is a momma's right on these big days, don't you?!

1. I love listening to my girl giggle. No one can keep a straight face once she starts. Bean has a true joy that radiates to others around her. No one can make her laugh as hard as her sister. Always has been the case and I think it always will.

Bean on carousel at Disney World...age 3. Look at those cheeks!

2. Bean enjoys helping me around the house and will do so without being asked. She has a true servant's heart in that way as well as when she sees someone is cold, she will run and get them a blanket or if they are thirsty a drink. Truly, she is very willing to serve others before herself and I could not be more proud of how humble she truly is in this area.

Bean's first "big girl" bike...age 4!

3. Bean has the ability to make me laugh when I am trying to correct her at times. While that is frustrating at times, most of the time, I truly think God has placed her in our family to remember to lighten up a bit. And that I have.
Being goofy Baking Christmas cookies~ age 5

4. When we transfer Bean from the car or our room after she has fallen asleep, this child grins and giggles all the way to her room. She is a happy kid straight out of sleep. That has come in handy many nights.

5. I adore this child's mind. She is a problem solver by nature and never ceases to amaze me with how she sees a problem working itself out.

Lost first tooth~age 6 (LOVE these curls!)

6. While Bean started out being more bashful, I have enjoyed watching her come out of her shell this past couple years. There is still room to grow in this area, but right now she is at a good spot. We see her personality popping out in front of more and more people which is so fun. I love that others now get to see the sweet spirited, goofy kid we see around the house.

Ta-da! Doing what she does best~ age 7

Bean adores babies and is really good with them. She has a natural bent towards being a babysitter or care giver of some kind. I do know she will make a good mommy one day but for now it is fun to see her step up to being helpful in this way.

9. Most of all, I love that Bean is not only my daughter but also my sister in Christ. She has accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior and has taken steps in making that decision more public through her decision to be baptized. Watching her grow up these past 9 years has been wonderful but to know we will spend eternity together worshiping God...well that just is priceless!

Bean's new bike she just got for her 9th birthday.
As I compare the last picture to the first little bike suddenly I am reminded, my baby is no longer a baby! She is truly a lovely young girl! Love you, sunshine! I could not be more proud of the young lady you are and continue to become.
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Kari said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter. Fun things you shared about her - though I will say that #9 is the most precious of all!

Lainie said...

Happy Birthday, Beautiful Girl! We love being your friend!

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