Monday, September 6, 2010

Can you feel it?

The earth didn't start shaking...nope. The planets did not stop rotating...nope. The animals did not stand still in silence...nope. Yet tonight, in my house, there was a big change....BIG!! I went back to kiss my girls goodnight and do you know what I found? Take a guess!
My youngest reading a book on her bed without being asked!!!

Do you understand the magnitude of this accomplishment? Probably not, but let me say this; while I am joking about it here lovingly, I must say that seeing her on her tummy, feet in the air I was so proud. She has never liked to read books on her own. They do not call to her like they do to her sister and me. She loves to be read to but reading on her own is not a passion. But I see the passion growing for a good story. I am just happy to see that my girl is growing! Big steps in the Miller house tonight...big steps for my Beanie. Now if I can just not blow this new passion by making too big of a deal about it. How do you do the happy dance quietly? Hmmm......
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