Monday, March 1, 2010

Sweet Words of Encouragement

Have you ever had anyone ask to speak to you and suddenly you have a slight fear of what is about to be shared? I had that experience today at co-op with a fellow homeschool mom. Mrs. L and I may not have the exact same teaching styles or even parenting styles for that matter, but God has placed us both on this same path during our homeschooling journey and I am grateful. I love how confident she is in what she does and why. I also love her boldness in her faith and convictions.

With that said, today she did ask to speak to me quickly. I was prepared for a concern about co-op as that is what has been the norm this year being on steering committee. Regardless, she continued to speak to my heart as she said that she wanted me to know that Doodle's character and grace outshines others in her group and she can see God's hand on this child. Now, before you go off thinking I took every word as truth...let me say this, I know my girls. I know their hearts and their flaws as well. I also have to say regardless of the fact this is this woman's opinion, it was a precious moment to hear her rattle off examples as to why she feels this is true. As I stood there listening to this woman share her opinions, I could not help but look over at my girl. There she stood putting her books away diligently. I thanked the woman for her kind words and I walked away wondering who I need to bless by sharing what fruit I see in their children. Such a gift that cost nothing at all...but meant the world.

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