Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Just for fun!

I really try to stay pretty politically stagnant on this blog as this is not the forum I want to discuss such topics. However, there are times that my sense of humor gets tickled or my passion flared and I just must share. I don't know about you, but I have had a horrible time trying to get Doodle the H1N1 shot not the mist due to her having asthma. No matter who I speak with, where I go, I get the run around. I know everyone is doing what they can but it feels as if no one really knows who has what or who is in charge. It makes me feel like a hamster running on a wheel. It makes me think that the left hand really doesn't have a clue of what the right hand is doing as far as the governments handling of these said shots. So with that, when a friend sent me this picture below, I just laughed. I don't know that it is the message as much as the look on the face but it made me giggle so hard my girls came running to see what was up. So with that in mind, enjoy a laugh on me. :)


Kari said...

Seen this on a couple cars here in Colorado :o)

Lainie said...


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