Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I have so much going through my head right now it is crazy! Life has been throwing me curve balls when it comes to dealing with teens in my life that I love like my own. Truly, God has blessed me with a gift of compassion for what they face daily but He has also given me a gift of walking before them and not choosing the right road which gives me wisdom in this area that there are days I wish I did not possess. Right now, my heart aches. I see what choices are being made by both child and parent and I wonder who will protect the child for they don't see what they are doing or know why they shouldn't. The parent has not walked the walk I did so does not know where it leads. My heart is pounding in my throat. I want to scream. I want to run wrap them in my arms and never let them leave. Yet, I know, that won't work. As we all know, we have to let go and pray like crazy. Oh, how I pray. My heart calms and I know that as much as I want to protect these precious teens/children, God loves them more than I do and if he has a path for them to take, it will ultimately bring glory to Him....just like mine. Yet the thought comes to mind....please, Lord, help them take a different journey. Help them be stronger than I was and able to stay on the path you prepared that leads to great joy forever and not the one that brings sadness, regret, shame that you too heal over time.

Abba Father, precious Creator, Healer, Giver of all good things. You are the great I Am. You are the King of kings, holy and mighty, worthy of praise. Thank you, God, for healing this woman's heart over time and replacing it with a passion that burns so strongly for teaching young teens the importance of purity versus popularity. Now, I pray, Lord that you will also give me the words to say that will permeate their hearts and lead them straight to you. Lord, I ask you to show me the path you have for me in this and help these kids stay on the one you have for them. My greatest desire is to honor you and help as many kids as I can to stay the path that leads straight to your heart now and not have to go through the healing process. In your son's most Holy and Precious name~ Amen

1 comment:

Dawn said...

We have to let go and pray like crazy....a phrase I will hold onto. I like control too much, I think, so thanks for the reminder. May God use you in an area you clearly have passion for, that a particular word would resonate with your teen friend, as it has with me, as He uses you for His glory and renown.


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