Thursday, June 17, 2010

Transformation Time!

Today marks the beginning of the new and improved Jamers! I have struggled with my weight since taking a fertility medicine about 15 years ago now. It ballooned me up in no time flat! I have dieted, exercised and stopped numerous times! I get so irritated over this issue from time to time. People who can eat anything have no idea what a true frustration it is to enjoy food as I do and know if I as much as smell it, well, I might as well sit on it since that is where it goes!! Ha!

Anyway, a dear friend of mine from co-op was mentioning that she has a passion for helping women 40 and over to take control of their nutrition and exercise. She wants to start being a personal trainer down the road. So, I jokingly said that I would be glad to be her guinea pig! Little did I know, she would call me on it! But she did! (while I had a big bite of cookie in my mouth, nonetheless!)

So, the plan is that we will workout together once a week. She will then give me my assignment for the week. This week, we canoed across the lake she lives on to a beachy area. We hiked up a steep hill and kept walking for a bit before coming back down. She was very clever in using the playground equipment that was there for various exercises. I did standing push ups against the ladder of the monkey bars, etc.

After stretching, we canoed back and I headed for home. I felt great! It was wonderful to move again! Then came that all to common work out headache! Man did it hurt! But I don't care!!! I am going to stick with it this time! This time, it is not about being a certain size or wanting to be "pretty" again. No, this time it is about honoring my Lord and Savior by taking care of His creation and His temple. I keep joking with my husband that "this time it's personal!" So, I will let you know how it goes! So far, so good....even the headache!


Dawn said...

You go, Girl! Spend summer focusing on you. Get it into your routine and you just might keep it up once the school year roles around again. Best wishes for your success! Let the adventure begin....

christina grandstaff said...

That is exactly where I have been at...not to be 'pretty' or thin..but healthy and honor my God by taking care of the body he gave me. Does she want 2 guinea pigs?

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