Thursday, September 10, 2009

Feeling the Pull

Do you ever have times in your life you feel tugged one way and another and yet another until finally you are sure you are going to be pulled apart?! Well, I know you have if you are a mom. :) Right now, I feel that pull and at times I allow myself to have a pity party about it or let it overtake me and give in to my emotions. But then I start thinking...if I am feeling the pull from all these different areas and I am giving in to them, where is the pull from God? Am I feeling that pull too? Isn't that the one thing I need to give in to when I feel pulled? I think lately, I feel so pulled to do all these things, be a certain way or whatever that I have managed to drown out that pull in my life. The pulls of this earth have taken over that awesome, quiet pull of God on my heart. I miss my time with my Jesus in times like this so much, yet, because He is a gentleman, He will not pull harder than the demands of this world or myself. He will wait, patiently, for me to realize until I feel that pull from him and spend time with him, the pulls of this world will continue to overwhelm me. I am a girl who needs down time. I need to spend time in the Word and prayer in order to be refreshed. I need silence from time to time to really think about all God is doing or has done in my life. I just do. Yet, I tend to wait for that to just magically appear instead of making it happen. So that has me thinking...time for a new plan. I need to pull off the worries of the world. I need to pull down the calendar and sit down with my husband to make a time for us to pray together everyday and not just hit and miss as we are right now. (hate to admit that!) I need to allow God to show me what He wants from me with our school for the day and how He sees my week flowing. Then I need to let the words or actions of others who don't like how I am choosing to spend God's week just roll off my back. If God wants it that way, they are just going to have to get over it. :) Know what I mean? Okay, off to pull out my Bible and sit in silence for a few while my gems are playing outside. Just thought I would take a minute to see if anyone else struggles with feeling that same pull. :)

1 comment:

Kari said...

I do and it's just like you said, you get away from that personal time and prayer time and let everything else take over. We always have 'noise' going on that we don't hear that still small voice anymore. Isn't it wonderful that we can sense that something is wrong though - and know what it is? Sounds like you have a good plan ahead of you! Enjoy your quiet time today. :o)

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