Monday, April 20, 2009

Menu for the week

This week is going to be tough getting back to all the "normal" activities after having two or three weeks off. So my plan is use the crock-pot often or make it quick. This should be our last week of all activities due to Bean's choir musical being on Sunday. No more choir after that. Slowly everything will dwindle out and our summer life begins. :) Yeah! Here's the plan:

grab what you can (BSF night)

Tuesday: crockpot lasagna, salad and bread (ballet)

Wednesday: taco salad, chips-n-salsa (choir)

Thursday: veggie soup, homemade bread (Bible Bowl)

Friday: Make your own pizza! (Doodle dance at retirement home)

Saturday: chicken on the barbie, rice and veggies (NOTHING TO DO!!!)

Sunday: ribs, baked beans, corn on cob, salad (Bean's musical at church)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Hope you guys have a good week - hang in there as you adjust to "normal" life! :-)

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