Thursday, May 28, 2009

Titus 2 Woman and Computer

I just read this blog post and felt that it was so worthwhile I wanted to post it here.

Facebook and Computer Time for a Titus 2 Woman

Technology has made communication efficient, immediate, and constant. There are real benefits to these things. There are also areas of concern that we, as women, need to be aware of. As women living in such a high tech world, it is wise to evaluate and discern what place technology (especially facebook, reading blogs, and just being online) should have in our lives.

There are pros and cons of facebook and blogs. I truly believe these 2 can be used for God's glory if used properly. I also see that they can take away and be a distraction from a woman's role in her home, church, and the world. All of us are at different stages of life...some of you are newly married and do not have children yet, some are single,...some of you are married with young children, some have older children, some are like me and have teens and toddlers, and some of you are empty nesters with your children grown. This makes all of our priorities different because of the different stages we are in. Still the goal is the do we glorify the Lord with the use of our time and how do we be a blessing to others in our lives.

Some questions to think about:

1)Can facebook/blogs be a tool in a christian woman's life to help minister to and encourage others?

2) How does facebook fit into our high calling as woman who are strving to be a Titus 2 woman?

3) What is the proper use of our time as we strive to be a wise women by God's standards?

4) All sorts of things are lawful, but are all advantageous?

5) When trying to evaluate an issue that is not specifically mentioned in scripture, how do we apply biblical principles to help us know God's best for us?

6) Does facebook encourage deep, biblical relationships or does it encourage superficial relationships?

7) Are there times that we should choose not to have a facebook? Does it cause us to waste time, put aside studying God's Word or prayer, talk with other men, or cause us to sin in other areas?

8) Do we really need to know what others are doing throughout a given day by checking on their status?

9) Do we really need to know what Disney princess we are most alike? (facebook applications)

Just some things to ponder as we strive to be what God has called us to be.

If you would like, check out Kim's blog Lifesong and leave her a comment. I was very convicted and am signing off to finish the work I need to do.

1 comment:

Jenilee said...

Great post and great questions! We really do need to monitor how much time we are online. I heard somewhere that a short break to "check my email or facebook" can take 15 minutes to get back to being busy at what you were doing. do that a few times a day, and that is a lot of time!

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