Friday, March 12, 2010

Ok...changed my mind a bit.....

We spent two days at the Stumpf's Peaceful little farm. I was so looking forward to that time away and it did not disappoint except to cut it shorter than we had planned so we could see our guy before he left again. It is tough to be torn between all the things we love! While we wanted to stay at the farm all week, Matt has been having business trips the past two weekends which meant if we didn't stick around home for part of the week, we would not have seen him for 10 days total! Yikers! We don't work like that around here. :)

Things you don't see out my window.
So anyway, we headed to the farm on Wednesday morning. It was a beautiful day. Even before getting stuff settled inside, the girls were in the barn with the animals.

The girls getting busy on the farm.

Ripley, the horse, was already in pasture thanks to their neighbor and the chickens were out doing what they do. We had some eggs to collect and feed a cat or two as well as a bunny.

Doodle with Ripley and Bean with the new barn cat.
All critters were happy to have the girls in the barn and running around the yard. I must say that the amount of muddy poo mess after the snow and rain we have had was a bit overwhelming for me personally. My girls didn't care at all. You see, normally when I come up to my buddy, Lainie's house she is there and I stay in with her chatting or reading to her littles....whatever she needs. I don't really do the barn stuff. So after some pondering, I have realized that maybe farm living is not for me as much as farm visiting. I am just grateful for the quiet and the blue skies galore out there. The peace and quiet really speak to me and I love seeing all that nature at work....from my porch or a window! Thanks Lainie and Bryan for letting us have the time to just be still and enjoy the peace and quiet.
Why I love visiting this place...besides the people of course. :)

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