Yesterday the girls and I went to the State House for a field trip with our homeschool co-op and family friends. We had such a nice time. Truly it was a blessing. God knew who to have there and it worked beautifully.
Our group at the state house
My mother-in-law is a state senator so she spoke to our group and even took them up to her work wall to show where she does what she does. Everyone was quite shocked at one a tiny amount of space she truly has to work. After meeting with her in the senate chambers, the group headed to the court room where we ended our "official" tour. The guide let us know there was a "mediation" room on the fourth floor that we might enjoy seeing. We went to see the chapel as a a group. As I opened the door, I noticed a lady playing the piano. She stopped and was prepared to leave. I reassured her to stay and play that we only wanted to see the room quickly then we would be out of her hair.
After we all were in the tiny chapel, she started playing again. I realized I knew the song: What a Friend We Have in Jesus. One of my favorites. :) A lady from our co-op asked if we could sing while she played. So we did. It was a God moment. Truly a blessing. After we finished, the woman put her hands to her face and said that we were her angels. She explained that she was having a hard day and came into the chapel to have some quiet time and then we met her. She knew God had sent us for her. How precious for those kids to witness this moment.
Miss Kat praying over the piano player.
I am just amazed that if you are open to His leading, God will allow you to experience some remarkable, moving moments. I also wonder how many times I have not jumped at the opportunity to obey God's nudges and end up not being blessed or blessing someone else. Truly, listening for that gentle nudge yesterday is what allowed this precious woman to feel the way she did and her willingness to obey in sharing that with us allowed all of us to walk out knowing we had just experienced a divine appointment.
1 comment:
Em and Ted both said that was the best part of the tour. It was awesome for them to see how God can use us even when we least expect it!
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